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Action Result Variables

The following variables are made available for use in subsequent expressions and CEL interpolations after the action has run. Variable values will only apply to the last action execution, results are not concatenated.

Add Headers

  • actions.ngrok.add_headers.headers_addedobject

    Map of headers that were added by the action.

Basic Auth

  • actions.ngrok.basic_auth.credentials.presentedbool

    Whether there were Basic Auth credentials presented in the Authorization header.

  • actions.ngrok.basic_auth.credentials.usernamestring

    The username of the credentials presented.

  • actions.ngrok.basic_auth.credentials.authorizedbool

    Whether the presented basic auth credentials were authorized for this request.

Compress Response

  • actions.ngrok.compress.already_compressedboolean

    Indicates whether the body was already compressed before the action was applied. Returns true if no further compression was performed.

  • actions.ngrok.compress.negotiated_algorithmstring

    The compression algorithm selected and applied by the action, based on the client's request and action configuration.

JWT Validation

  • actions.ngrok.jwt_validation.tokensarray of objects

    The list of JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) processed by the action.

  • actions.ngrok.jwt_validation.error.codestring

    A machine-readable code describing an error that occurred during the action's execution.

  • actions.ngrok.jwt_validation.error.messagestring

    A human-readable message providing details about an error that occurred during the action's execution.


  • actions.ngrok.log.metadataobject

    A key-value map containing metadata that was logged during the action. Each key represents a metadata attribute, and the value provides its corresponding details.


  • actions.ngrok.oauth.error.codestring

    Code for an error that occurred during the invocation of an action.

  • actions.ngrok.oauth.error.messagestring

    Message for an error that occurred during the invocation of an action.

  • actions.ngrok.oauth.identity.idstring

    Unique identifier for the ngrok Identity entity

  • actions.ngrok.oauth.identity.emailstring

    Email address of the authorized user from the provider.

  • actions.ngrok.oauth.identity.namestring

    Name for the authorized user from the provider.

  • actions.ngrok.oauth.identity.provider_user_idstring

    Identifier for the authorized user from the provider.

  • actions.ngrok.oauth.identity.current_provider_session_idstring

    The current Identity session identifier for this request.

  • actions.ngrok.oauth.access_tokenstring

    The access token from the provider.

  • actions.ngrok.oauth.refresh_tokenstring

    The refresh token from the provider.

  • actions.ngrok.oauth.expires_atstring

    Timestamp when the current session will expire.

  • actions.ngrok.oauth.session_timed_outboolean

    Returns true when the session timed out.

  • actions.ngrok.oauth.session_max_duration_reachedboolean

    Returns true when the current session reached the max duration.

  • actions.ngrok.oauth.userinfo_refreshedboolean

    Returns true when ngrok updates the user information on the identity.

OpenID Connect (OIDC)

  • actions.ngrok.oidc.error.codestring

    Code for an error that occurred during the invocation of an action.

  • actions.ngrok.oidc.error.messagestring

    Message for an error that occurred during the invocation of an action.

  • actions.ngrok.oidc.identity.idstring

    Unique identifier for the ngrok Identity entity

  • actions.ngrok.oidc.identity.emailstring

    Email address of the authorized user from the provider.

  • actions.ngrok.oidc.identity.namestring

    Name for the authorized user from the provider.

  • actions.ngrok.oidc.identity.provider_user_idstring

    Identifier for the authorized user from the provider.

  • actions.ngrok.oidc.identity.current_session_idstring

    The current Identity session identifier for this request.

  • actions.ngrok.oidc.identity_tokenstring

    The identity token from the provider for the current user.

  • actions.ngrok.oidc.access_tokenstring

    The access token from the provider.

  • actions.ngrok.oidc.refresh_tokenstring

    The refresh token from the provider.

  • actions.ngrok.oidc.expires_atstring

    Timestamp when the current session will expire.

  • actions.ngrok.oidc.session_timed_outboolean

    Returns true when the session timed out.

  • actions.ngrok.oidc.session_max_duration_reachedboolean

    Returns true when the current session reached the max duration.

  • actions.ngrok.oidc.userinfo_refreshedboolean

    Returns true when ngrok updates the user information on the identity.

Rate Limit

  • actions.ngrok.rate_limit.bucket_keystring

    The key used for bucketing requests. This is the key used to group and track requests in the rate-limiting process, ensuring that the same bucket is subject to the rate limit across multiple requests.

  • actions.ngrok.rate_limit.limitedboolean

    Indicates whether the request was limited by the rate limit. If true, the request was rate-limited based on the configured limits for the specified bucket.

  • actions.ngrok.rate_limit.error.codestring

    A machine-readable code describing an error that occurred during the action's execution.

  • actions.ngrok.rate_limit.error.messagestring

    A human-readable message providing details about an error that occurred during the action's execution.


  • actions.ngrok.redirect.matchesarray of strings

    A list of elements that were matched during redirection. These represent the request components (e.g., path or query parameters) that triggered the action and resulted in the redirect.

  • actions.ngrok.redirect.urlstring

    The URL to which the traffic was redirected. This is the destination URL returned as part of the redirect response after the action was executed.

  • actions.ngrok.redirect.error.codestring

    A machine-readable code describing an error that occurred during the action's execution.

  • actions.ngrok.redirect.error.messagestring

    A human-readable message providing details about an error that occurred during the action's execution.

Remove Headers

  • actions.ngrok.remove_headers.headers_removedarray of strings

    A list of headers that were successfully removed by the action.

Restrict IPs

  • actions.ngrok.restrict_ips.actionstring

    The action taken for this request.

    • Possible values
    • allow - If the request was permitted.
    • deny - If the request was denied.
  • actions.ngrok.restrict_ips.matched_cidrstring

    The CIDR block that matched the incoming client's IP address. If no match was found, this value will be empty.

  • actions.ngrok.restrict_ips.error.codestring

    A machine-readable code describing an error that occurred during the action's execution.

  • actions.ngrok.restrict_ips.error.messagestring

    A human-readable message providing details about an error that occurred during the action's execution.

URL Rewrite

  • actions.ngrok.url_rewrite.matchesarray of strings

    List of elements that matched the URL before the rewrite action was applied. These can be specific parts of the URL, such as the domain, path, or query parameters, that were matched based on the action configuration.

  • actions.ngrok.url_rewrite.urlstring

    The final URL after the rewrite action has been applied. This is the new URL to which the original request is redirected after the specified modifications have been made.

  • actions.ngrok.url_rewrite.error.codestring

    A machine-readable code describing an error that occurred during the action's execution.

  • actions.ngrok.url_rewrite.error.messagestring

    A human-readable message providing details about an error that occurred during the action's execution.

Verify Webhook

  • actions.ngrok.verify_webhook.verifiedbool

    Indicates whether or not the request was successfully verified.

  • actions.ngrok.verify_webhook.error.codestring

    Code for an error that occurred during the invocation of an action.

  • actions.ngrok.verify_webhook.error.messagestring

    Message for an error that occurred during the invocation of an action.